
The Duke Forum for Law & Social Change (DFLSC) is the newest addition to the Duke Law family of journals. Created with a mission to foster progressive discussion around important social issues, DFLSC features articles covering a wide range of legal topics. Each issue focuses on a timely, central theme. While the primary focuses of DFLSC are on its annual symposium and symposium-based publication, it also strives to provide a meaningful forum for ongoing discussion of social change and related issues. DFLSC has already actively engaged in many of its forum initiatives. Beginning in March 2008, DFLSC has held a Town Hall Forum each semester, featuring scholars, students and community members. Each Town Hall Forum evokes community-wide discussion on timely social topics.

DFLSC is proud to have published issues since 2009 and looks forward to many more years of distinguished scholarship. We look forward to continuing to engage the Duke Law community in future Town Hall Forum events, community service events, and our annual Social Change Symposium each Spring. DFLSC is also committed to working with other student organizations to cosponsor events and further the dialogue of social change within Duke Law School and the surrounding community. Beginning with volume 6, DFLSC has published exclusively online.


The Duke Forum for Law & Social Change (DFLSC) is the newest addition to the Duke Law family of journals. Created with a mission to foster progressive discussion around important social issues, DFLSC features articles covering a wide range of legal topics. Each issue focuses on a timely, central theme. While the primary focuses of DFLSC are on its annual symposium and symposium-based publication, it also strives to provide a meaningful forum for ongoing discussion of social change and related issues. DFLSC has already actively engaged in many of its forum initiatives. Beginning in March 2008, DFLSC has held a Town Hall Forum each semester, featuring scholars, students and community members. Each Town Hall Forum evokes community-wide discussion on timely social topics.

DFLSC is proud to have published issues since 2009 and looks forward to many more years of distinguished scholarship. We look forward to continuing to engage the Duke Law community in future Town Hall Forum events, community service events, and our annual Social Change Symposium each Spring. DFLSC is also committed to working with other student organizations to cosponsor events and further the dialogue of social change within Duke Law School and the surrounding community. Beginning with volume 6, DFLSC has published exclusively online.